Tuesday Tales: From the Word Finish

It’s Tuesday Tales’ time and here we are at the end of June. Half the year has gone by in the blink of an eye. This week’s word prompt is FINISH. I’m continuing with a scene from It’s a Match.

“Fine, Knightsbridge it is, but we will talk, Marissa. Count on it. You can’t leave without giving me an explanation. Not this time.” He turned to Aaron. “I have my own car, so I’ll meet you at the restaurant.”

Aaron had been standing next to me and could hardly have failed to notice the tension between us, but he simply nodded. “We’ll see you there.”

I was about to get into the car when Zak reached out to me and took my hand. His gaze fastened on my eyes, he raised my hand to his lips, and kissed it, sending shivers and coils of heat warring through me.

“We aren’t finished, Marissa, not by a long shot. It was wonderful to see you again. I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know.” With that, he turned and left.

Seeing me again? The damn fool hadn’t even recognized me, and as far as being finished went, we were way past finished.

“Such a nice young man,” the Duchess said, her eyes twinkling, a tiny smile on her lips. “He seems quite fond of you, more than fond, yet I sense something happened between you that remains unresolved.”

I smiled and shrugged. “As far as I’m concerned, what we had ended a long time ago.”

The Duchess pursed her lips and shook her head. “Young people. Have you heard the expression, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater?”

I chuckled. “Of course, but it’s never made much sense to me.”

“That’s because you don’t understand it. Years ago, bathing was a time-consuming and difficult process undertaken infrequently. The tub would be filled with hot water, and the head of the household would bathe first, then the eldest son, and so on according to age and status. By the time the youngest got into the bath, the water was usually quite cloudy and dirty. One had to look carefully to make sure no one was left in the tub. Today, it applies to anything that is set aside without careful investigation. Relationships fall into that category. Marissa, that young man cares deeply for you. I can see from your eyes that he did something that hurt you deeply, but before you throw love away, remember things are not always as they seem.”

That’s it. Stay safe, and don’t forget to check out the other Tuesday Tales.

Published by Susanne Matthews

Hi! I live in Eastern Ontario. I'm married with three adult children and five wonderful grandchildren. I prefer warm weather, and sunshine but winter gives me time to write. If I’m listening to music, it will be something from the 1960s or 1970s. I enjoy action movies, romantic comedies, but I draw the line at slasher flicks and horror. I love science fiction and fantasy as well. I love to read; I immerse myself in the text and, as my husband says, the house could fall down around me, and I’d never notice. My preferences are as varied as there are genres, but nothing really beats a good romance, especially one that is filled with suspense. I love historical romance too, and have read quite a few of those. If I’m watching television, you can count on it being a suspense — I’m not a fan of reality TV, sit-coms, or game shows. Writing gives me the most pleasure. I love creating characters that become real and undergo all kinds of adventures. It never ceases to amaze me how each character can take on its own unique personality; sometimes, they grow very different from the way I pictured them! Inspiration comes from all around me; imagination has no bounds. If I can think it, imagine it, I can write it!

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